Jerry Joseph
Oden Brewing Co
Greensboro, NC

AKG 483(DIN/FOB) + AKG 481 (ORTF/FOB) + CK63 (ORTF/FOB)>Nbob Actives>Naiant PFA>F6 (32bit/48KHz)
Lineage: F6>USB>Audacity 2.1 (2 track stereo mix down)>Audition 3.0>IZotope Ozone 9 Advanced (Dither/resample to 24bit/48KHz)>CD Wave>.flac24
Taped by joel at jamlivedotorg
Transferred by joel at jamlivedotorg

1. War at the End of the World
2. I Think I'm Here
3. Pink Light
4. These Grey Days
5. Light Is Like Water
6. Baby, You're the Man Who Would Be King
7. Dead Confederate
8. Ten Killer Fairies*
9. Golden Americans*
10. Wisconsin Death Trip*>Maybe I'm Amazed*^>Let It Be*^>Wisconsin Death Trip*

* With James Bernabe from Hi-Test Rascals on Mandolin
^ Jerry unplugged in the crowd

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:
