Jerry Joseph Solo with Travis Shallow
The Bend (Frank and Jenn Sulloway's Backyard)
Wilmington, NC
Source: DPA 4022's>Sound Device MixPre6ii @24/48
Location: Stage Left Front of Stack
Transfer: Sound Device MixPre6ii>Wavelab6>CdWave>FLAC Lvl 8>Foobar 2000
TnT: Dennis Bryant
Set 1
01) Days of Heaven
02) Bone Towers
03) 2020 Moons
04) Burn In Hell
05) San Acacia
06) Hallelujah Trail*
07) The Jump
08) Until The End of The World
09) The Jump
10) Book Burning
11) Cochise
12) Beautiful Child Of God
13) Most Beautiful Day
14) Climb To Safety
*Busload of Faith Rap
I was having a bit too much fun and missed the 2nd set...
Thats what a weekend with Jerry Joseph will do for ya! =)
Speical Thanks to Frank, Jenn, Jason, Kim and Charles!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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