Jerry Joseph & Wally Ingram feat.Marc Friedman
9/17/11 -
The Jewel, NYC
"Rocks Off Electric Post-Panic Cruise"

Disc 1:
Set 1-
1. tuning
2. Hearts Gone Blind #
3. Radio Cab
4. Revelator **
5. Tight
6. Furr

Disc 2:
Set 2-
1. tuning
2. Good Sunday ++
3. Beautiful Dirt
4. Speedwater @

#=w/ "heart of the matter" rap & "heroin>walk on the wild side" raps
**=w/ "Cortez the Killer"
++=w/ "we fall down" rap
@=w/ "we will not be lovers>dweller on the threshold>
i shall be released>world party" raps

Jerry Joseph - guitar, vox
Wally Ingram - drums, percussion
Marc Friedman - bass

schoeps cmc64(stage) + SBD(digital coax out)>SD 744t>
firewire>WAV>Sound Forge 10.0(dc offset, Balance[stage mics
only], phase inverting[stage mics only], PD&Norm, Mix)>FLAC
foh sound, recorded, mixed & mast/remastered by Bill Mulvey