Jethro Tull
The Wise Man Breaks Wind
March 19th 1972
Wolverhampton UK
RESEED by request in Sep 2013. Instead of commenting anything by myself I give you all the infos I can collect just now. This recording deserves at least the essential infos.
uploaded on Dime before (afaik):
2002 by Keith Jo (Takklesoft 2002 TSE10)
24.8.2008 by ArsNova (545 MB, but otherwise identical to 30.4.2006)
"Another offering in the current Tull binge. This is a truely great show with exceptional quality for the time. I'm somewhat biased on the as it was one of the two UK shows I managed to attend during this tour - awesome. "
7.10.2009 by Tullie (files from upload in 2006 - 593 MB)
these files are the original flacs from the upload in 2008 with following given
cdr > eac > flac > dime
this is the info from 30.4.2006 (named set list.txt) plus the Lineup:
Folks the quality of this show is stunning for the year and the fact that you get the whole
Thick As A Brick suite only goes to say download me
notes from the the person who originally had this show
When i acquired this recording i was surprised the quality was as good as it was for
a show from 1972 unfortunately with about 5.45 to go on thick as a brick there was a screeching sound and then the show went on but
clearly something was missing.after comparing it to other TAAB performances i found that
approx 40 seconds was missing.this little glitch detracted so much from the ending of this TAAB
performance that i chose to splice in the missing segment with the performance from 3 days
earlier off the soft venus bootleg.i hope the purists will forgive me
of course we forgive him this is a stunning show
...does have the splice as mentioned in the artwork (ArsNova)
Disc 1
Thick As A Brick
Disc 2
Cross - Eyed Mary
A New Day Yesterday
Wind-Up (INTRO)
Locomotive Breath
Hard Headed English General/Wind Up (REPRISE)
Walk To The Dressing Room Chatter
John Evan : keyboards
Martin Barre : guitar
Ian Anderson : vocals, flute, acoustic guitar
Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond : bass
Barrimore Barlow : drums
comment by keithjo 2008-08-30:
"The Wise Man Breaks Wind" is a fan title given by myself. I received this as a cassette about 25 years ago and it sat in a box till 2002 when I got back into collecting. I had long forgotten the outstanding performance of this show and was surprised I never saw it on any trading lists so I decided to try my hand at transferring it to cd and to replace the missing 40 seconds. I wish I could've done a better job with the splice-in but I did my best. I have to admit that it's very satisfying to hear the praise for this show all the multiple times its been offered on dime and other torrent and collecting sites. I just hope the original taper knows how much his work is appreciated.
thirduncle 2008-08-24:
ArsNova has just confirmed that this is the same as The Wise Man Breaks Wind.
Thanks for the confirmation.
This is a GREAT show.
You won't be disappointed.
the walking to the dressing room chatter (what I think is a bit of Ian's humor)
It sounds like the band is broadcasting over the PA their walk back to the dressing room where they find the door locked. They discuss their just-finished performance. The sound is kind of echo-y (like it was recordewd from the audience in a big hall). You can hear the audience
Info below from Ministry of Information (given by Tullie in 2009)
Audience reaction to TAAB was mixed .....
Friday 17/3/72 ABC Cinema Stockton-On-Tees, UK
Due to heckling, Tull left the stage after 15-20 mins. They returned after <10 mins, but the heckling continued, so Tull left.
Two days later...
Sunday 19/3/72 Civic Hall Wolverhampton, UK
Thick As A Brick (w. flute, organ and drum solos, plus spoken interludes), Cross-Eyed Mary, A New Day Yesterday, Aqualung, Wind-Up (intro only), Locomotive Breath/Hard-Headed English General, Wind-Up (reprise)
trapper, 2013-08-21
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: