April 2, 1996
Atlanta, GA
The Fox Theater
01 Roots to Branches
02 talk
03 Thick as a Brick
04 A Hunting Girl
05 talk
06 Mother Goose
07 talk
08 In the Grip of Stronger Stuff
09 Steal
10 Dangerous Veils
11 talk
12 Beside Myself
13 talk
14 Aquadiddleyung
15 Nothing Is Easy (beginning missing)
16 talk
17 Bouree (Martin on 2nd flute)
18 talk
19 We Used to Know
20 In the Moneylender's Temple
21 talk
22 My God
23 Misere
24 talk
25 Fat man
26 Budapest
27 Locomotive Breath
28 Jump Start
29 The Dambuster's March / Thick as a Brick (reprise)
TOTAL TIME 2 hour, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
Ian - voice, acoustic guitar, flute
Martin - guitars, flute
Doane - drumming
Andy - keyboards, some kind of Arabic hitting thing
Jonathan - bass
audience recording > to me on cassette > digitize with Audacity > Flac 8 with xAct > to you on DIME
Very Nice.
You'll like this one.
Judge for yourself
sample below
I offer what I have, with ALL the information known to me.
If you've got a better version, seed it.
If you have more accurate information, please add it in a comment.
If anyone would like to attempt a remastering job, go right ahead.
Let's try and keep it positive and make DIME as good an experience for all as possible.
Lake Ogleton.
According to the bot, this has never been on DIME, which is surprising.
The setlist IS at the MOI, so it has circulated.
I attended this show, but did not record it.
This was one of the dozen or so shows where Ian performed from a wheelchair due to his injured leg, (DVT - Deep Vein Thrombosis).
It really didn't seem to impact his or the band's performance.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening,
except for the idiot who kept yelling for "Free Bird".
Let it go buddy. They're not going to play it and the Confederacy lost "the war of northern aggression".
The Fox Theater,
IF you've got the right seat is a fantastic venue.
(and the architecture and decoration are totally cool.)
But... and I've been there enough times to know, for a concert or a movie you MUST be down on the floor, if you want decent sound. For this show I was in the front loge (balcony) and the sound sucked. Great seats for viewing but sound, yuck. If you just go down stairs and stand anywhere, it's like someone's taken a wet blanket off the speakers. The sound really opens up. I found a seat down below and enjoyed most of the concert from there.
The Fox, not being a LiveNation venue, allows you to buy tickets at the box office without any additional charge. God I hate LiveNation. There is no way to purchase a ticket for the advertised price or the price printed on the ticket. I've spoken to the manager at a local LiveNation venue and can't get a straight answer about how to buy a ticket at face value. And now that they've merged with Ticketmaster, watch the prices rise.
Give me a smaller privately-owned, non-affiliated theater over LiveNation ANY day.
Variety Playhouse, The Masquerade, The Earl, Smith's Olde Bar, Center Stage, RAH! RAH! RAH!
In Atlanta The Variety is THE BEST. Great venue, best sound system in town, reasonable ticket price (cheaper than other comparable venues), courteous staff, better audiences, free parking in the neighborhood, and only 8 minutes from my doorstep.
They are better for so many different reasons.
Lake Ogleton
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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