Jethro Tull

Christopher Cohan Center, Performing Arts Center
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

7th Row Center: Neumann AK-40's (x/y)->LC3->KM-100's->Beyer MV-100->Sony TCD-D7
DAT Master transferred: Tascam DA-P1 >S/PDIF coax >HHb CDR 800 PRO
CD Master Extracted With xACT 2.24 >WAV >FLAC (Level 8)

By OldNeumanntapr

Steel Monkey
For A Thousand Mothers
Serenade To A Cuckoo
Nothing Is Easy
Jeffrey Goes To Leicester Square
A New Day Yesterday
Dot Com
Hunting Girl
Hunt By Numbers
My God
Passion Jig >
Locomotive Breath

Aqualung >
Living In The Past >

The Cal Poly Performing Arts Center is a great place to see a show. The acoustics are wonderful and the venue is not too big, so it's very intimate. I was 7th row center for this show and it the recording sounds really nice.
This was my second Tull show and I thought the band was very tight. I worked the load out on this show afterwards and I never worked so hard in my life!!! It took about four of us to load a
55ft semi trailer with all of Tull's equipment. That was the only time I ever worked at the PAC because it was back breaking work! I remember Tull's road manager, in his English accent, barking out instructions like,
'Flip this one end to end my pretties and stack in there on that one.' Over and over again!!

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

JethroTull1999-10-04PerformingArtsCenterCalPolyStateUniversitySanLuisObispoCA (1).jpg