Jimi Hendrix - 1976-xx-xx "Best of the BBC Rock Hour - Jimi Hendrix Special" - Pre-FM with sample
Jimi Hendrix - Best of BBC Rock Hour Jimi Hendrix Special (1976) Pre-FM VINYL

Jimi Hendrix
"Best of the BBC Rock Hour - Jimi Hendrix Special"
BBC Transcription Services
Premiere Broadcast: 1976
Hosted and Directed by Alexis Korner
Cue sheets included

Original LP > Sony USB turntable > Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0 > WAV > APE > FLAC Trader's Little Helper

***** Original Info *****


"The Best of the BBC Rock Hour - Jimi Hendrix Special"
(BBC Transcription Services radio library, USA 1981, 1LP)

- Distributed by London Wavelength, Bronxville, NY.
- Broadcast on November 29th, 1981.
- Hosted by Richard Skinner.
- Premiere broadcast: 1976, hosted and directed by Alexis Korner.
- Interviews with Jimi Hendrix, Aland Douglas, Paul McCartney,
Chris Welch, Chas Chandler, Keith Altham etc...
- All commercials have been edited out.
- Artwork included (arranged by E).

- Lineage:
Original LP -> Sony USB turntable -> Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0 -> WAV -> APE

Track list:
Part 1: 25.20
Part 2: 25.48

Probably one of the rarest LPs in circulation.
I don't know how to classify it. Is it official
or a bootleg? Similar to "DVD screeners" of
the upcomming movies that find their way
into general circulation, which isn't supposed
to happen, so I guess, it's closer to bootleg
than official title.
I don't remember seeing it listed anywhere,
also neither by Univibes nor Jimpress.
Fragments of this radio show, as far as I know,
have been available only on the US bootleg LP
"Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window"
(Dragonfly Records, USA 1978).

Demonoid, March 2015.

***** End Original Info *****

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

JimiHendrix1976BestOfBBCRockHourJimiHendrixSpecial (1).jpg
JimiHendrix1976BestOfBBCRockHourJimiHendrixSpecial (2).JPG
JimiHendrix1976BestOfBBCRockHourJimiHendrixSpecial (3).JPG
JimiHendrix1976BestOfBBCRockHourJimiHendrixSpecial (4).jpg