Jimmie Vaughan and the Tilt A Whirl Band
A Theater in
Grand Prairie TX
June 1 2015
Source: SP-CMC-08s Card elements->SP-SB1(no bass roll-off)->
Zoom H4n 24bit 48htz >HDD>Goldwave to split the file> Audacity to resample to 16 Bit /441>
traders little helper flac level 8
Taper: whotapes
Section 103 Row K
01 Intro
02 Comin' and Goin'
03 It's Been a Long Time
04 I Ain't Never
05 Dirty Work at the Crossroads
06 Just a Little Bit
07 I'm in the Mood For You
08 Baby Scratch My Back
09 Oh Yea
10 Boom-Bapa-Boom
11 Six Strings Down
Opening for Steve Miller Band. I was excited to be able to see Jimmie. I have seen him in the Fabulous Thunderbirds many times but each time I have tried to see him solo
something has happened so I missed the show. Lou Ann Barton joins and sings on Tracks 7-10
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: