Jimmy Vaughan
Royal Albert Hall
May 15, 2019

Recorded by Daspyknows
15th row dead center
Schoeps MK4 Nbox Platinum DR-2D 24 Bit 48K

Processed using Soundforge 11, resample, to 16bit 44.1K
TLH to convert to Flac

Master 2019.25


Show 3 of London 2019.

The question going into the 2nd show was whether it would be like the Budokan run which
had an electric LZayla followed by 4 acoustic versions. We got to the venue early, met
EcFan who just was able to do the last two shows. Those coming in who missed night one
were hoping that show was not an aberration. Everything was easy going in and we followed
the same steps as the first night. Jimmie came on and played what I consider the best of
the three sets. He had a guest come out for one song too. Between sets I ran into a
couple of old Clapton friends then waited til the lights went down. The show opened with
Motherless Children which is a great opener. The set then followed the first night. Solid
playing but less excitement since it wasn't new. Finally, during the acoustic set they
replaced Change The World with Alberta which was a surprise. After Running on Faith we knew
those who missed day one would get their Layla too. The rest of the set was the same as the
first night but it was played very well. There were no complaints about the performance.
Finally, they came out and played Before You Accuse Me with Jimmy Vaughan. I was expecting
Cocaine so was happy with the change.

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