Jimmy Martin & The Sunny Mountain Boys
Grand Ole Opry House
Nashville, TN
July 25, 1973

Source: Audience Cassette Master
Tape Provided by Dan Dillman
Transfer: Nakamichi DR-1 > Edirol UA-5 > USB > WaveLab 5.0 @ [24/96]
Mastering with: iZotope Ozone 3 > [16/44.1] > CD Wave > TLH > FLAC
Transfer and Mastered by Bill Koucky March 9, 2008

Jimmy Martin - Guitar
Dwight Dillman - Banjo
Kenny Baker – Fiddle
Bill ?
Ralph Lewis
Randy Davis - Bass

1. Band Intros
2. John Henry
3. Fiddle Tune
4. Jimmy gives show dates…
5. The Glory Land Way
6. Southern Flavor

Notes: Primitive but archival recording

Time: 11:14