Jimmy Witherspoon w/ Richard “Groove" Holmes
Chicago Blues Festival
Grant Park
Fm broadcast
Marcus Johnson- sax
Larry Newsome - drums
Henry Taylor- guitar
Richard “Groove” Holmes- organ
Jimmy Witherspoon- *vocals
1) Bob Porter intros band
2) Instrumental ( title?)
3) Instrumental ( title?)
4) Blues All Day Long
5) Stormy Monday *
6) Baby What you Want Me to Do*
7) Ain’t Nobody’s Business*
8) Big Boss Man*
9) Don’t Got ‘em*
From my master cassette. A bit of hiss and tape noise, but very very listenable. Samples included.
Spoon mixes up verses from several Jimmy Reed songs in 6 & 8 above
Don't know Henry Taylor (guitarist), but he sure can play!!