Joan Jett & Te Blackhearts
Marin County Fair
San Rafael, Ca
July 6,2014
Recorded by Daspyknows
Recorded Center Seat Appx 12 Rows Back
Schoeps MK4 w/NBox Tascam DR-2D 24 Bit 48K
Processed using Soundforge 11, resample, to 16bit 44.1K
TLH to convert to Flac
Master 2014.19
Need help on set list. Incomplete Set
Day 4 at the fair:
I left the house before noon to be sure I would get my seat. I need
to just bring a sharpie next year and write reserved on it. As I was
walking in a soundcheck was going on. It was a blues band so I figured
Elvin Bishop had a new band. I got to my seat and the guitarist could
have been Elvin Bishop with gray hair and less weight but I didn't know.
Once it ended I went to the "office" to get the gear ready. When I
was done the same band was playing. I figure I missed the first 5 to 15
minutes. I soon realized this was another band and they were really good.
When they started the seats were empty but a steady stream of people came
in. A couple in their 40's or 50's took seats 2 rows in front of me. I
got an immediate feeling he was going to be annoying. Soon enough, hands
in the air loudly clapping completely off beat to the music. This followed
by fist pumping and more clapping. It is audible throughout the first two
bands but fortunately he was two rows away. The Liberators played until 2:15.
Finally learned the name at the end of the set.
After a set change Elvin Bishop came on. He is always fun to see. There was
a lot of new material and some of his old standards. The sound was very good
and the only negative was the clapper dude. I kept wishing I had a stun gun
or something because aside from taping, it was just annoying. After the set
ended there was about a three hour wait until Joan Jett. I was stuck at the
seats because twio of my friends bailed on the day. I switched batteries and
enjoyed the people watching. I watched two guys take seats next to the clapper
dude. One was mid 50's balding, heavy set and the other was in his 70's with
punk rock hair. Again, I had a feeling that these guys were going to end up
on my recording. The younger guy was very talkative and the older guy was his
dad. It became very apparent he was a Joan Jett groupie although there seems
to be a file line between groupie and stalker. He had a back stage laminate
he was wearing. It was from 1981. He also had a picture with Joan Jett that
was from the 80's. I chatted with a military guy who first saw Joan Jett when
he was based in Australia in the 80's. I gave him a copy of the last time
Joan Jett played at the Marin Fair in 2012 when he said he was heading back
Finally, my friend arrived at 6:15. I gave him another copy of the 2012 show
and said get it to the band. He couldn't get it to the roadies but gave it to
her sound engineer. The set finally starts and it is the usual high energy Joan
Jett set. A number of different songs from the last time she played but also
the big hits. I was thankful it was very loud so clapper dude and groupie dude
were not too bad except when it was quiet. Groupie dude was amusing to watch
from a distance and I had to quietly laugh when clapper dude and groupie dude
were doing chest bumps. Once the show ended I was out of there. I plugged
the recorder into my car stereo and drove away blasting a fresh master.
Just the basic taper requests here and please no vitriol:
Don't be an ass by selling this or using it in a video that is sold
Don't modify the info file
Don't remaster and/or post on other sites that are not 100% free
If shared keep info file intact but create a second file with any changes
Don't convert to lossy formats except for personal use
Do support the artists