Joan Osborne & The Holmes Brothers
Shea's Performing Arts Center
Buffalo, NY
This is a 16bit fileset intended for CD/Ipod listening. A 24 bit high resolution version also exists.
Source: DPA 4021>Sound Devices 722 (24/96)
Config/Location: ORTF/FOB/SROC 4.5' stand ~25' from the stage
Transfer: 722>Firewire>Macbook>xACT(join wav files)>Sound Studio 3(fades, normalize peak, track, bit depth conversion, resample)>xACT(align on sector boundaries, encode, tag, fingerprint)>flac16
Taped & transferred by: Lenny Stubbe (
One Set: (1:05:28)
One Disc:
1. St. Teresa's*
2. How Sweet It Is*
3. Cathedral's*
4. Bury Me
5. Spiderweb
6. Brokedown Palace
7. Midnight Train
8. Ain't No Sunshine
9. Please Don't Tell Me
10. Only You Know
11. encore break
12. One Of Us
13. Will The Circle**
* - w/ Keith Cotton on piano & Joan on vocals & acoustic guitar only
- from Bury Me on with The Holmes Brothers.
** - w/Paul Thorn
- Nice up front recording with a well behaved audience in 3/4 empty theatre.
- Stand kept at head height sitting down.
- Slight stand adjustments can be heard in first 30 seconds.
Seeded to etree on 11/16/2009