Joanna Newsom
Thalia Hall, Chicago, IL, USA
"Strings/Keys Incident" Tour
01 - Sprout and the Bean
02 - Emily
03 - Leaving The City
04 - Esme
05 - Goose Eggs
06 - Swansea
07 - Have One On Me
08 - Soft As Chalk
09 - Monkey & Bear
10 - A Pin-Light Bent
11 - Peach, Plum, Pear
12 - The Things I Say
13 - Cosmia
14 - Sapokanikan
15 - In California
16 - Does Not Suffice
17 - Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie
18 - Baby Birch
19 - Good Intentions Paving Co.
Total Time: 2:00:57
PROVENANCE: TASCAM DR-100 mkiii [internal mics] by taper J. Michael Eugenio > doc > Audition (decrease audience sounds, add fades, multiband compressor to bring voice up just a bit, normalize to -0.1) > CDWav (splits on sector boundaries > FLAC8 > MP3Tag (tags/embed artwork) > DIME (seed date 10/18/2019)
This is show #2 of the Thalia Hall 4-night run between 10/7 and 10/10/2019. This particular night's audience was pretty rowdy, but in spite of this (or perhaps because of it) Joanna played a long show with a tour-record 19 songs and 3 encores (!) including the requested "Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie" for its only appearance on this tour.
Once again, a very nice recording by J. Michael Eugenio, who generously sent me the wavs to process and upload here. All credit/praise goes to J. Michael, who captured three of the four nights. As of this writing, his 10/10 recording is on the tracker, and 10/9 will be up soon.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: