Joanna Newsom - 2019-10-10
Thalia Hall
Chicago, IL, USA
01 - Bridges and Balloons
02 - Only Skin
03 - Soft As Chalk
04 - Divers
05 - Inflammatory Writ
06 - In California
07 - The Things I Say
08 - Go Long
09 - Sapokanikan
10 - Time, As A Symptom
11 - Anecdotes
12 - Monkey and Bear
13 - [harp tuning]
14 - On A Good Day
15 - Baby Birch
16 - Peach, Plum, Pear
17 - Sawdust & Diamonds
Total Time: 2:00:57
PROVENANCE: TASCAM DR-100 mkiii [internal mics] by taper J. Michael Eugenio > wav with audience sounds decreased > doc > Audition (fades, multiband compressor to bring voice up just a bit, normalize to -0.1) > CDWav (splits on sector boundaries > FLAC8 > MP3Tag (tags/embed artwork) > DIME (seed date 10/11/2019)
Joanna Newsom did four concerts at this beautiful venue in Chicago between 10/7 and 10/10/2019. This show is my favorite of them, as she played "Only Skin" as the highlight of a great setlist specifically aimed at her baby's nanny, who was in attendance. There are a few impolite audience members, which Joanna handles well:
Rude guy in audience: "Play Autumn!"
JN: "I don't know how to play that one right now."
Rude guy: "Bullshit!"
JN: [pauses, then] "That was a good counterpoint."
This beautiful recording was made by J. Michael Eugenio, who generously sent me the wavs to process and upload here. All credit/praise goes to J. Michael, who manage not only a lovely capture of this night, but also of the previous two nights, which I will be working on over the next days. This is a wonderful AUD, with few audience noises during the songs, and no distortion or artifact at all—-check out the samples below, but trust me that this one passes the headphone test.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: