Joe Bonamassa
15. Rother Bluestage
Kulturfabrik, Roth, Germany
April - 04 - 2006
from SEETHELIGHT7 collection # 810
Rec. Info:
DPA 4061 -> iRiver jukebox (@ WAV 1644) -> unknown transfer -> HD -> my external HD -> my HD -> NOTHING CHANGED -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by dear SANDHOOS somewhere close to the stage. Excellent recording with only a few minor disturbances from crowd chatters. Received this show already tracked with the original
files missing (gone forever...). SANDHOOS used to cut out almost all tuning and audience cheering between the tracks, so it sounds more like a prepared CD than an organic concert.
Anyway, it sounds really fine, and you might put on some tracks on your digital WURLITZER soundbar...a bunch of nice pics are included as well...
We'll continue our journey through the 15th Rother Bluestage with a former "Gitarren-Wunderkind". I can remember that I first saw him on that tour a few weeks later at Grolsch Bluesfest
in Schoeppingen and - after a somewhat lame performance by the late great Johnny Winter, he blew the audience away. No special gimmicks like "Starship trooper" by YES on this show (as was
in Schoeppingen), more a solid show. I've seen him twice more in 2007 (Rosenhof Osnabrueck) and at Burg Herzberg 2009 (think my recording from the latter had been shared here) but not since
those days anymore. After reaching the "Superstar" status a few years ago, ticket prices have exploded beyond my personal limit. Admission for the 2007 show was about 25 Euros, whereas a
show last year in Muenster was almost 3 times as much. Thanks, I can waste my hard earned money other ways and stick to a recording like this. Hey Joe, where did you go with all that money
in your pocket? SB.
FULL SHOW (91:57 min.)
01. Taking the hit (8:34) *
02. Walk in my shadow (7:20)
03. Blues deluxe (9:26) **
04. Mountain time (11:30)
05. Bridge to better days -> (5:08)
06. A new day yesterday (8:44) ***
07. Miss you hate you @ -> (3:43)
08. Woke up dreaming @ (8:12)
09. The river (10:20)
10. Burning hell (9:15)
--- Encore ---
11. Asking around for you (9:40)
* jumps straight in during the opening notes...
** Jeff Beck/Rod Stewart song
*** Jethro Tull song, "Spoonful" tease at end...
@ -> acoustic guitar
the usual facebook ect. sites...
Support this fantastic artist, go to his shows, buy all the merchandise your bluesmobile can carry...
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use. Flac Rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell...find yourself in burning hell...
JOE BONAMASSA - guitars, vocals
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2015/07/21
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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