Joe Jackson
June 16, 2016
Scottsdale, AZ
Virginia Piper Center for the Arts
"Fast Forward" Tour
Gear: TASCAM DR-40, no processing, located more or less center of venue, 3-4 rows in front of soundboard.
Conversion: Wavepad Sound Editor Master's Edition 5.13
Show notes: levels could have been hotter for the solo (JJ) songs; the audience was pretty quiet so the music
comes through, but I wish I'd gone a bit hotter. Pretty fantastic show all things considered. I couldn't
believe the *one* song I was hoping for, he opened with!
Processing: none. The only edits were the fade in at the start of the show and fade out at the end. The only
level adjustments were made on the fly (bumping levels up here and there on the recorder during taping).
Taper: @chuckyalden
1. It's Different For Girls
2. Hometown (JJ)
3. Chatter (JJ)
4. Be My Number Two (JJ)
5. Take It Like a Man (JJ)
6. Girl (Beatles) (JJ)
7. Chatter (JJ)
8. Fast Forward --> (JJ)
9. Is She Really Going Out With Him
10. Real Men
11. Can't Get What You Want
12. Chatter
13. If It Wasn't For You
14. Kings Of the City
15. A Little Smile
16. Another World
17. The Other Me
18. Chatter
19. Scary Monsters (Bowie)
20. Sunday Papers
21. Keep On Dreaming
22. Ode To Joy
23. Steppin' Out
24. Encore Break
25. See No Evil (Television)
26. One More Time
27. Band Intros
28. A Slow Song
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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