Joe Louis Walker
5 September 2015
Iron Horse Music Hall
Northampton, MA
Source: (FOB/DFC, 8' to stage) SP-CMC-2 cards > SP-SPSB-11 > Sony PCM-M10 (24bit/44.1kHz)
Transfer: Audacity (normalize, tracking, fades) > WAV (16bit) > Trader's Little Helper > FLAC (6)
01. Instrumental >
02. Instrumental
03. Wade In The Water
04. Come Back Baby
05. How Blue Can You Get?
06. T-Bone Shuffle > Train Kept A Rollin'
07. If You Don't Love Me
08. Instrumental >
09. Do You Love Me
10. Don't Let Go
11. In The Morning
12. Soldier For Jesus
13. Ain't That Cold
14. Eyes Like A Cat
15. Sugar Coated Love
16. E: Too Drunk To Drive Drunk
Joe Louis Walker - guitar, lead vocals
Phillip Young - keys, sax, vocals
Lenny Bradford - bass, vocals
Byron Cage - drums, vocals
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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