John Abercrombie

17th July 1998
Pori Jazz Festival, Pori, Finland

John Abercrombie; guitar
Mark Feldman; violin
Adam Nussbaum; drums
Palle Danielsson; bass

Analogue FM broadcast.

Contrast clause: This is a restored and optimised version of the show currently seeding at;

This is a classic concert, but the versions I've had, including the recently torrented one here, had noticeable glitches. I've taken the opportunity to correct these errors once and for all, and optimise the audio. If you have this recording, this remaster will likely be an upgrade.

I had this from two sources;

1. An old traded disc with numerous really bad glitches resulting from copy errors, some being 10 secs of static... and

2. above mentioned recent dime download (thanks 71whit).

The seeder mentioned that he had also had to clean up some glitches in track 1: "(1) near the beginning (it's much better than it was, but it's still audible), (2) @ 2:48, and (3) @ 3:34". He did this well, but as he mentions in his notes, not perfectly; there were audible pops remaining.

The two sources were of the same master data, just with copy errors in different places, so I used small sections of data from my old traded source to align and patch the repairs from the new one. The audio is now sample perfect.

A DC offset was removed from the right channel, and levels lifted by 11.5 dB (which is a lot!). Finally retracked (similar to original). No noise reduction or other lossy tamperings.


1. Prelude (4.34)
2. BTG (11.55)
3. Long Ago and Far Away (7.14)
4. That's For Sure (9.54)
5. Him (Danielsson) (7.39)
6. Little Jump (Danielsson) (10.12)
7. Descending Grace (Abercrombie) (cut) (6.30)
