John Cale And Band
Capitol, Hannover, Germany
February - 24 - 2013
It's a SPACEBANDIT so you're in there
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SD -> HD -> Audacity (edit/level balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND hook or by cook...
Recorded by yours truly dead center up on the balcony of the Capitol, as there was seating only in the upfront stage area. No chance for a good recording, I thought, so I
went up to an us unsual taping position. have to say it worked out fine? Yes, it did. No chatters, nothing disturbing yelling, nothing...but an unusual position.
Oh, and, even there were some barstools around me, they are all still covered. So, standing still, enyoing the fabulous music, this was a great experience.
All thanks to my dear buddy Olaf for free tixs and accompany. I really LOVE when things work out like that. A BIG HUG once more...
A few crappy pics from my cheap old camera are inclded as well..
Alrighty, dear fellow dimers, it's been almost to the date 20 years ago since the last time I experienced the CALE universum. That long long days ago, it was a solo show in
Muenster, Jovel, and I was not very pleased about that. "Too lame" ect. - But it was soooo long ago, and in 93 I thought he'd be doing the same set as at Rockpalast 84.
Brrrr...long before "Internet" came along. So, after doing some other shows of the great WELSH WARRIOR himself here in the past, I was eager to see him live.
And - despite some other taperfriends say - I think he did a very fine show. Of course, there are some tunes which sould've switched to other favourites like "Paris 1919",
but hell, NOBODY SAYS JOHN CALE WHAT TO PLAY. So, I'm happy with what I got, and I think, it's a fine show...SB.
Lost Memories In Hannover...
Full Show (98:59 Min.)
01. Intro -> Hedda Gabler (8:10)
02. Captain Hook (9:27) *
03. Cry (6:52)
04. December rain (4:49)
05. Perfection (4:35)
06. Whaddya mean by that (6:08)
07. Living with you (5:10)
08. You know more than I know (3:50)
09. Leaving it up to you (5:28)
10. Guts (4:41)
11. Scotland yard (4:55)
12. I wanna talk to you (4:26)
13. Pretorian underground (4:49)
14. Face in the sky (5:07)
15. The hanging (6:57)
16. Nookie wood (6:06)
17. Encore call (1:20)
18. Dirty ass rock and roll (6:00)
Support the band, go to their shows, buy as much merch as your mule can carry!
Please, do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No LOSSY NET POSTING!
If you sell - freeze in muddy hell!
John Cale - vocals, keyboards, acoustic guitar, violin
Dustin Boyer - electric + acoustic guitar
Alex Thomas - drums + percussion
Joey Maramba - bass extra-ordiniere!
md5+ffp attached
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: