John Fogerty Hoodoo April 1976

CD> eac >flac frontend>YOU

Unreleased album

Does not include the two official tracks
You Got The Magic and Evil Thing

The 'cleaned up'version of this that is circulating
is lossy and my upload of it got banned because of
that a while back.
Yesterday I found a disc which appears to have
a non lossy version on it.
This is it.
It's a lot better than the dodgy old tape that
was circulating for years.

After the 'John Fogerty' solo album, John wasted no time proceeding to record more material for a new album
to be followed with a tour, backed by his favorite musicians. In April 1976 he released a new single,
'You got the Magic/Evil Thing' which barely made it to the charts and did not sell a great deal.
The single, so was announced, would be an advanced single from the soon to be released new John Fogerty album 'Hoodoo'.
But as time passed 'Hoodoo' 's release was cancelled and set to a later date. A date which never came....
After the complete failure of the single, John had offered Asylum Records his material for the album.
'Hoodoo' was given a catalogue number (Asylum 7E-1081), and a cover was printed.
Shortly before shipment of the album, the decision was made to withdraw the album.

1.leave my woman alone
2.marching to blarney
3.hoodoo man
6.on the run
7.between the lines