John Fogerty
Great Woods Amphitheatre
Mansfield, MA


A+ Audience recording

1)Mr. Greed
2)Sanz Kant Danz
3)Knockin' On Your Door
4)Old Man Down The Road
6)Wasn't That A Woman
7)Eye Of The Zombie
8)Big Train from Memphis
9)Soda Pop
10)Change In The Weather
11)Rock and Roll Girls


I don't know if this is sourced from a vinyl but I don't think so. some websites says this show released on limited vinyl edition sourced from an audience tape recording

Lineage: unknown aud recording -> cassette tape (x) -> ?? -> CDR(x) -> DBPOWERCONVERT 13 -> DIME

I found it at my dust old box cds box.

Info about the LP:

Mansfield, Mass. September 14, 1986.
Label: Real Rock Records 001,1986
Limited White Vinyl