John Hartford
Bremen, Germany
01 Buffalo gals / skippinÕ in the Missisippi (John Hartford)
02 DonÕt leave your records in the sun (John C. Hartford)
03 Gentle on my mind (John C. Hartford)
04 I would not be here (John C. Hartford)
05 You can do anything (John C. Hartford)
06 Nobody eats at LinebaughÕs anymore (John C. Hartford)
07 Salty dog blues (Wiley Morris)
08 Turn your radio on (Albert E. Brumley)
09 Orange blossom special (Ervin Rouse)
10 Buffalo gals / TryinÕ to do something to get your attention (John C. Hartford)
12 Steamboat Whistle Blues -fade out-
min 53:41
FM (analog cable) - Audacity - xACT
Globale Dorfmusik Live - 2012-01-23
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