John Lee Hooker and the Coast to Coast Blues Band
June 13,2001
Stockton California,USA
San Joaquin County Fair

Hat-Mounted Realistic Pzm's With Sony WmD-6C
60 ft. center
1) So Much Trouble*
2) Cherry Red *
3) Crawling King Snake#
4) I Didn't Know#
5) Way Down Blues
6) Serves Me Right to Suffer
8) Mean,Mean Woman
11) Boom Boom
12) Boogie Chillin/
13) /Boogie Chillin

*Juice Garcia Vocals
#John Lee Hooker Jr Vocals

This was John Lee Hookers Second to last show.
He died on June 21,2001 at his home.
His last show was in San Rafael at the Marin Vets Center.