John Lennon Interview, DEc. 8, 1970 Lennon Remembers: Life With the Lions CD 2 Darthdisc DD-06 Part 2 of 4 Lineage: CD tree - EAC - tlh - Dime Sourced from a copy of Jan Wenner’s tapes of his infamous interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The interview was conducted at Allen Klein's office at 1700 Broadway in New York City on December 8, 1970. Wenner caught the couple at a time when the breakup of The Beatles was still fresh and acrimonious, Plastic Ono Band was first released, and John and Yoko’s emotions had been laid bare through intense primal scream therapy. The lengthy interview was published in Wenner’s Rolling Stone Magazine in two installments in early 1971 (January 21 and February 4, 1971 editions). Lennon later repudiated some of his more venomous statements in this interview and always decried the fact that Wenner published it in book form under the title “Lennon Remembers.” Oddly, the book was republished, with Yoko’s assistance, upon the 20th anniversary of Lennon’s death at about the same time that the Anthology book was released. It included elements that had been excised in the first edition. Lennon Remembers and Anthology present two startling different characterizations and recollections of the Beatle years. Much better than reading the interview, you know can hear it all yourself. John is on a roll in part 2. See more about John's therapy sessions here: Sessions for the "Primal Scream/John Lennon Plastic Ono Band" album started on September 26, 1970 or 40 years ago today. John & Yoko are said to have spent 4 months in California before this time undergoing therapy. That was certainly a radical way to deal with all of the emotions not only of the last couple of years but also of all of John's repressed childhood traumas. Not what George what would have done, of course... 01. Discussing "Happiness Is A Warm Gun" 01:35 02. Happiness Is A Warm Gun (Not The Song) 04:25 03. Allen Klein 08:07 04. Eastman and Klein 14:14 05. Straightening Out The Finances, Epstein 01:46 06. Paul vs. Ringo 03:00 07. Beatle Roles, Beatles Myth 04:35 08. George 01:51 09. 'Not Interested In Other Music' 02:43 10. 'I've Always Been A Genius' 03:46 11. Yoko, Zappa, Warhol And Welles 05:06 12. 'Will You Retire?' 01:09 13. Prejudice Against Yoko 02:58 14. New York City, Liverpool, San Francisco And London 05:47 15. Dylan 05:01 16. George talks about John's Primal phase I have removed track 16 from the Darth Disc release, the hilarious "Magical Misery Tour (Bootleg Record)" found on National Lampoon Radio Dinner release ("John Lennon's own words are turned against him, making him out as an ungrateful prima donna, in this spooky parody") as I'm sure it would have violated someone's copyright. The George reply comes from the Rockline interview on February 10, 1988. I always thought it would be nice for George to respond to John like this as they were so far apart philosophically at this point in their lives.