John Lennon-Milk and Honey Outtakes 42:11

These tracks are 2nd generation from the original reel to reel master. The Sanyo reel was the working tape for the bootleg "Fufilling the Fantasies"; I don't know what ever became of this bootleg if it was produced or not, never saw a copy and can't find any info on it now.
I have not split the track to preserve the integrity of the recording and to maintain the original order. Please don't split the tracks for trading. I have no problem with splitting them for your own use to burn to cd. I have not altered the tracks in any way, no dolby, no speed adjustments.
Some people may frown on this being tape source but remember all studio tracks from this era were tape source.

Lineage Unknown Reel to Reel Master -> Sanyo Reel to Reel -> Maxell XL II -> PolderbitS -> Wav -> Flac Frontend 8 -> Flac

01-Clean Up Time
02-I'm Loosing You (w/Cheap Trick)
03-Beautiful Boy
04-I'm Moving On (w/Cheap Trick)
05-I'm Your Angel
06-Dear Yoko
07-I'm Stepping Out
08-Nobody Told Me
09-Borrowed Time
10-I Don't Want To Loose You
11-Walking On Thin Ice