John McLaughlin and the Free Spirits
New Morning
Paris, FR

John McLaughlin - Electric Guitar
Joey DeFrancesco - Organ, Trumpet
Dennis Chambers - Drums

source/lineage-flac file transfer of a 2012 DIME share of a terrific audience recording captured on unknown equipment> EAC> Audacity> TLH> DIME

01 Crescent 12:58
02 Limehouse Blues 8:49
03 Matinale 21:04
04 Tones For Elvin Jones 10:26
05 My Favorite Things 13:42
06 JM speaks 0:33
07 Sing Me Softly Of The Blues 9:08
08 The Wall Will Fall 15:55
09 'Round Midnight 6:15
10 Thelonious Melodius 10:42
11 JM outros 0:49
12 After the Rain 7:22

Now, we come to the final night for which we have a recording from what was at least a 3 night appearance by John McLaughlin, Dennis Chambers, and Joey DeFrancesco (aka the Free Spirits) at New Morning in Paris just a little over 30 years ago. As you might already have read, these 3 nights had been shared by mikedealb in 2012, and that seemingly was the only time shows from the 19th and 20th ran here. The 18th alone had been shared in 2010, but did get a reseed in 2012 with the other 2 nights. Many thanks to mikedealb for each of these shares.
I'd only had the show from the 18th, and that came from the 2010 share. When that was upped here nearly a week ago, I'd requested that someone bring back the shows from the 19th and 20th. At that point, Hogweeds and tracybjazz each sent PM's indicating they had one (Hogweeds) or both nights (tracybjazz) of the shows. Neither of them wished to prep torrents themselves at this point, but they were each happy to send the shows my way so I could then get them ready to go again for a new 2024 run on DIME. In the end, with the idea of 2 birds with a single stone, I got both nights from tracybjazz, but huge thanks to each of them for their willingness to play a part in getting these shows running again.
All 3 nights of these New Morning shows were really fine recordings that were probably done on DAT, and presumably came from the same person (many thanks to them-mikedealb's copies had come to him via trade). As fine as the recordings were, some new work was done on each of them via tools in Audacity. Digital glitches, and the occasional duplication of part of a track were repaired through editing the files while they were open in Audacity. Mastering and EQ tools there were also lightly applied to bring out a bit more depth in the presumably DAT recording. sbe's were found to be present too, and they were addressed through TLH.
Thanks, once again, to the original recorder a Paris il y a trente ans pour leur bon travail. Thanks too to mikedealb, Hogweeds (Andrew), and tracybjazz (Tracy) for their big parts in getting what seems to be the whole New Morning run back here again.