John Morgan Kimock
Turkey Hill Brewing Company
Bloomsburg, PA
January 26, 2023
4th and final night of his Thursday's in January residency
John Morgan Kimock - Drums
Alex Luquet - Bass
Justin Mazer - Guitar
Nick Driscoll - Saxophone & more
Neumann U89i's (Subcardioid on stage in front of drum kit) + AKG C414 XLS's (cardioid, micing guitar amp and sax amp) + Bass DI + John's talk mic>Sound Devices MixPre-10II (Recorded at 32 BIT Float/48Khz)
Wav>Steinberg Nuendo 4 (Mix)>Sound Forge Pro 16 (Fades, Sample Rate Conversion to 44.1Khz,BIT Rate Conversion to 16 BIT)>CDWAV>Trader's Little Helper(FLAC)
Recorded By Keith Litzenberger
3rd song of 1st set fades out near end due to recorder losing power
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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