John Prine
New York
December 1973

This is a tape I received in a trade more than 20 years ago and all the information on the tape is given here. Quality is really not great � please listen to the sample before you download it. Also, there are some hard cuts between songs to cut out some of the applause � I presume so that it would fit on a single c90.

Set list:

1. Spanish pipedream
2. Car wreck
3. Sweet revenge
4. Donald & Lydia
5. Sam Stone
6. Dear Abby
7. Newlandburgh County
8. Sunny countryside
9. Foreign tongue
10. Rocking in time
11. Just about the same
12. Xmas in prison
13. Unknown
14. Hello
15. Grandpa was a carpenter
16. Illegal smile
17. Great compromise
18. Souvenirs
19. Blues
20. Cold, cold ground
21. Like thunder, like snow
22. Last night
23. Everybody needs somebody

I have no information about lineage � it's at least 3rd gen, probably more. Sample in comments.