John Sebastian
Melody Fair
North Tonawanda, NY
September 12. 1996
lineage: Cass (m) > Technics playback deck > Adobe Audition 1.5 (NR, EQ, limiting, track edits) > TLH (SBE fix, flac 8)
Well here we have the first 52 minutes of what would otherwise have been a lost concert. Recorded by my friend Rob S with that infamous Realistic handheld cassette recorder that did all the good shows we recorded in the 90s. Unfortunately technical difficulties (the recorder died mid show. Don't know if he forgot to change batteries or if the pause button got flicked on accidentally [I've done that before], but it quit) cause the second half of the show to not get taped. Melody Fair is an "in the round" style circular domed theater. It is a echoey place to have concerts, but they usually stick to quieter artists. This sounds like it was taped from the balcony, but I might be wrong. Rob doesn't remember (Rob liked to partake expanding at concerts back then). I'm not familiar with Sebastian's jug band stuff, and some of the tunes I believe are standards, so I've refrained from naming the tracks. I recognize several, but not all. Anyone out there who wants to do the setlist go for it.
Lineage: TDK SA90(M) > TDK SA60(1) > Technics playback deck > Adobe Audition 1.5 (NR, EQ, Limiting, track splitting) > TLH (SBE fix, flac 8) > you
13 tracks, the last one partial