John Zorn
John Zorn's 65th Birthday Celebration
Late show
September 03, 2018
San Francisco, CA
The Chapel
recorded by vortexzephyr, mastered November 25,2024

CA-11 cardioid mics>Zoom Q2n @ 24/96>audacity (cut tracks)>
TLH for flac

* Tracks 1-3 low pass filter to remove static

The Interpretation of Dreams: New Chamber Music

01 The Aristos*
02 Ghosts*
03 HexenTarot*
04 applause
05 Scaramouche
06 Auto De Fe
07 Trilogy
08 talk
09 As Above, So Below
10 Naked Lunch
11 talk
12 Zeitgehoft
13 talk
14 Conquerer Worm

chris otto - violin
michael nicolas- cello
steven gosling - piano
sae hashimoto - vibes
sanir ezra blumenkranz - bass
ches smith - drums

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

JohnZorn2018-09-03LateThechapelSanFranciscoCA (1).jpg
JohnZorn2018-09-03LateThechapelSanFranciscoCA (2).png