Johnny Thunders
December - 16 - 1984
from MILAN collection # 072
Rec. Info:
1st gen aud cassette copied in the 80s / 1 st gen cass transfer via Onkyo tapedeck TA-2330 -> Magix Music Cleaning Lab (edit/remaster) -> FLAC -> DIME
The sound is very good especially after some equalizing (vg+).
This show was on dime before. But this must be from a different source as the show is complete (the first upload made by biddie in 2009 had a cut in Born To Lose).
Apart from this great show. Johnny played 5 or 6 gigs in Germany on this tour (see attached poster), Frankfurt, Bielefeld, Hamburg, Berlin + D�sseldorf on 21.12.84.
A "Thunders-List", link, also indicates a gig in Nuernberg on 15.12.84 (maybe our Franken-guys can clarify this?).
Berlin and Hamburg were available on dime but Bielefeld and Nuernberg not.
Fact is that I made a recording from Bielefeld but what was the biggest shame of my taper career, I taped another show over the first side of the tape. And so only side 2
is still existing. Ok, I will upload this next, it is still more than 20 min. of pure Johnny Thunders power.
As can be seen on the poster the opener for Thunders were Abwaerts, a German punk band. I have not seen any recording from them from this tour so far. Maybe someone can help?
Tape length 59:05 min.
01 Intro
02 Pipeline
03 Personality Crisis
04 Countdown Love
05 A Little Bit Of Whore
06 M.I.A.
07 Just Another Girl
08 So Alone
09 Talk About You
10 Blame It On Mom
11 In Cold Blood
12 Too Much Junkie Business
13 Endless Party
14 Born To Lose
15 Cool Operator
16 Sad Vacation
17 Chinese Rocks
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy their albums.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. Don't ever sell!
The band (was announced as Heartbreakers but had nothing to do with the original line-up):
Johnny Thunders: Vocals Guitar
Henri Paul Tortosa: Guitar
Keith Yon: Bass
Tony St. Helene: Drums
Uploaded to DIME by Stacheleber 2013/08/16
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: