Band: Johnny Winter & Band
Venue: Ottakringer-Arena, Lovely Days Festival
City: Wiesen
Country: Austria
Date: Saturday, July 12th 2014
Bootleg Title: Bye bye Johnny W.
Artwork: Yes (all images from the gig, except the black/white back artwork)
Taper: HighVoltage
Recording Equipment: Olympus LS-10 Linear PCM Recorder
Mic Position: in front of breastbone, underneath T-Shirt
Location: about 2 m from the stage, middle
Recorder Settings: Mic Sens low, Low Cut off, Mic Zoom Set Standard
Lineup: Blues Pills > Toyko > Grandmothers of Invention > JOHNNY WINTER > Chicago > John Fogerty
Audience: ~6500
Lineage: internal Mics -> Olympus LS-10 (PCM WAV 44.1kHz/16bit) , -> PC -> Nero Wave Editor -> FLAC Level 6
Edits: general volume adaption, equalizer, fade-in & fade out, track split, flac level 6
Special Notes:
This is Johnny Winter's penultimate gig. He only played one more show at the Blues Festival in Cahors, France, two days later (14th July). Unless a recording from there surfaces, this is the last bootlegged Johnny Winter show.
R.I.P. Johnny!
Actually I was backstage in the afternoon, however I did not see Johnny. He was rather frail and tired I heard, but then again, he hadn't been in a condition what you could call 'fit' for some years, either. His performance was as solid as ever during the last few years, so I wasn't really surprised or concerned by these comments in the afternoon (I'd seen him before in Vienna in 2011).
Unfortunately I had some whistlers around me (but fortunately they did mostly at the end of and between songs), and also at the front rows (where I was standing) the vocals were very low in the mix - a common problem at Wiesen. Why they haven't done anything like setting up a few additional PA boxes across the front is beyond me...
Before 'Got my Mojo working' he says "This next song's of my... of my last CD... originally by Muddy Waters called 'Got my Mojo working'!". When announcing 'Don't want no Woman' he says "Next song off the new record... will be out on 2nd of September... from Bobby Bland called 'Don't want no Woman'". After that song he announces "Next song is a blues song by Ray Charles called 'Blackjack'. After the last song, Paul Nelson shouts "Thank you very much, you guys kick ass!" and at the very end "Austria rocks, thank you!".
Thank you for the music! R.I.P., Johnny!
How to identify my recording:
After the first two opening jams (the first one without, the second with Johnny), Johnny asks "How's everybody doin'?" and me shouting "Yeah, fine!" and he continues "Great to be here!". Someone shouts "Bless you! Bless you Johnny!" in variations a few times before 'Killing Floor' and before "Jumpin' Jack Flash" he shouts "Johnny!" a few times and "You are the greatest!". At 4:00 in 'Jumpin' Jack Flash' this guy shouts "Johnny!" and again at 4:20 and 4:23 and me replying in between "Der hert di ned!" ("He doesn't hear you!" as he obviously was so obsessed to get Johnny's attention). After the song, with huge cheers you can hear him shout "Johnny... Johnny we love you!" two times. After 'It's all over now' he again shouts "Johnny... You're the greatest!" and twice "Johnny we love you!" twice and "You're the greatest!" again. As Johnny was handed over his Firebird guitar you can hear me loudly guessing the songs (to my mate): "Irgend a Slide Nummer... ["Some slide tune...] - 'Dust my Broom' oder [or] 'Highway 61'!" (revisited, of course!) and then someone shouts "Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo!" and "Johnny!". Then Johnny announces "This one's off our last ... of our last CD... " and you can hear me shouting "Yeah! ... DUST my Broom!", and Johnny continues "... Mississippi music for you, this is by Elmore James called 'Dust my Broom'!"
Soundquality: audience recording, instruments balanced but with vocals low in the mix, a few whistles - 6,5-7/10
Disc 1:
01 Instrumental Intro Jams (I & II) (5:52)
02 Johnny B. Goode (5:09)
03 Good Morning little Schoolgirl (5:01)
04 Got my Mojo working (7:27)
05 Don't want no Woman (4:05)
06 Blackjack (9:45)
Disc 2:
07 Killing Floor (6:04)
08 Bony Moronie (6:06)
09 Jumpin' Jack Flash (6:08)
10 Medley: Don't take Advantage of me & Gimme Shelter [with 'Sunshine of your Love' Riff in between] (9:34)
11 It's all over now (5:55)
12 Dust my Broom (7:24)
13 Highway 61 revisited (5:55)
Enjoy this recording anyway you want (I have uploaded both the flac- and the mp3 version), share it, but please keep my notes and the album art together with the audio f
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: