JOHNNY WINTER w/BB King, 1983 CBS News Nightwatch TV, Johnny and BB jamming and talking blues together
12:41 min, ex-, sb (from video)
Here is a small one: an excerpt of CBS News Nightwatch TV program with Johnny and BB jamming and talking blues together. The interview follows up with a 6 min excerpt of an unidentified(?) concert.
A poor quality video of this is available at:
Lineage: Received on audio tape (Jeff James) -> Pioneer PDR-05 HiFi audio CD recorder -> Audio CDRs -> EAC085b -> Trader's Little Helper -> Flac lev.8
Johnny_Winter_BB_King_1983_CBS_News_Nightwatch_TV.wav: successfully encoded to 'Johnny_Winter_BB_King_1983_CBS_News_Nightwatch_TV.flac' (ratio = 0.618).
No errors occured.