Jon Anderson + band
Boulder Theater
Boulder, Colorado, USA
August 20, 2019
Lineage: Sony ECM-717 (mic) / Sony PCM-M10 (recorder) > 24/48 > 16/44 (down sampling, cuts & fades and normalization + limiter on some loud claps and nearby yelling using Audacity) > CD wav (track splitting) > MP3Tag (for file tagging) > FLAC (using Traders Little Helper) Level 8
Tracklist (1:57:33)
01 Intro
02 Owner Of A Lonely Heart
03 Yours Is No Disgrace
04 Ramalama
05 State Of Independence
06 Makes Me Happy
07 I've Seen All Good People
08 America
10 The Chicken (introduced as "Chicken Pot Pie")
11 Flight Of The Moorglade
12 Sweet Dreams
13 To The Runner
14 Long Distance Runaround
15 Wonderous Stories
16 First Born Leaders
17 1000 Hands (Come Up)
18 Starship Trooper
19 Roundabout
20 Soon
Notes: Those that follow this space know that I'm a huge Yes fan - I've seen them and their variants more than any other band. When Jon Anderson announced
his second leg of his 1000 Hands tour and scheduled a Colorado show, there was little doubt that we would go. Boulder is about 80 minutes from where I live - not a terrible drive, but, a long one, especially on a Tuesday night. But, we made it and really enjoyed what we saw - it was a kick to see Jon perform songs from his new album, as well as some Olias and J&V material, in addition to the somewhat predictable Yessong choices (though, America struck me as sort of out of the blue). I wasn't thrilled when horns started in right off the bat, but, that said, the new arrangements of the older material really helped invigorate some of these war horses. Actually, there wasn't anything to complain about regarding the music. As an attendee, the theater was dry and the sound wasn't terrific - the band would get REALLY loud at points, but, then Jon would speak so softly, I could hardly hear him, even though we sat 9th row center. Plus, it's getting tiresome to listen to drunk people hoot and holler their way through the entire concert - a guy one row behind me was all but screaming the entire show and really gave me a headache by the end. You'll note his presence from first to last on this recording. I guess I'm glad he enjoyed the show - but, to quote the philosopher Danny Glover, I'm starting to think I'm getting too old for this s^!&! Generally, this turned out better than expected, but, it's not my greatest ever recording - and, I'm no pro-style archivist like others, I just record for the memory. Your mileage may vary.
The show was actually two sets, which occurred between "Chicken Pot Pie" and "Flight Of The Moorglade", but, I smoothed out the transition, so, there's no break. "Flight" opens with Jon introducing the band.
Side note: the guy sitting to my right had never been to a Yesshow! I assumed that everyone in the theater had been to all of the recent area Yesshows - I saw a number of old concert Ts that I recognized from my own closet - but, he was just a music fan who had never seen Yes and he told me "I wanted to at least seen Jon Anderson before it was too late". After the show, I asked him what he thought and he said "Jon sounded great and the band played with a lot of energy and enthusiasm". That's a pretty good summary.
As always, much thanks goes to my beloved wife, who didn't have to see Steve Howe's Yes this year (they didn't play in our area), but, did get to see this - I'm pleased to report that she's a big Jon Anderson fan and really enjoyed the show. If you're a fan, I bet you will, too!
Side note 2: I also included ~30 pictures that I took from my seat. They ain't art, but, they give you an idea of where I was and what I saw.
Finally: please don't sell the recording, but, otherwise, do with it what you wish. Share it and trade it, and remember: these and other greats will not be around forever, so, let's enjoy them while we have them. Best wishes to all of the Yes fans out there and Namaste.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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