The Lantern
Bristol, UK
14th May 2017
Church Audio CA-14 cardioids > CA-9200 > Edirol R-09HR (@24/96) >
Cool Edit Pro 2 > CDWave > TLH
Recorded 15' back in front of house left suspended PA
Recording, transfer & artwork by boombox
1. Tuning
2. Cocoon *
3. Tuning
4. Topeka
5. Tuning
6. Ain't Nobody
7. Tuning
8. Everything
9. Tuning and Banter
10. Guitar Lesson aka 'How to Play Like A Whole Band On The Guitar In One Easy Lesson'
11. Deep Cut (aborted)
12. Tuning and Banter
13. Universal Biology *
14. Tuning and Banter
15. Wukan Motorcycle Kid
-----------Disc Split for burning to CD and artwork---------
16. Tuning and Banter
17. Dream Factory *
18. Tuning and Banter
19. Deep Sea Fishes *
20. Tuning and Banter
21. Telepathy
22. Tuning and Banter
23. Hey Child
24. Tuning and Banter
25. Gloria (Unplugged at front of stage - +10db volume boost)
26. Tuning and Banter
27. Passionflower
* - new or unreleased song
boombox's notes june 2017:
Sorry for the delay uploading this, but as Jon was trying out new songs, I didn't want to spoil the impact until the tour was over. After John Paul Bailey's excellent opening set, Jon came on in his trademark black, but with a hoodie up for the first few songs. He was understandably still upset following the recent death of his stepfather, and this gave the show an added edginess - he didn't feel like a set break, so we got a single two hour set. Tough to pick out standout tracks, although I still love 'Deep Sea Fishes' as much as when I heard it on the last tour, the dynamics in 'Everything' were awe-inspiring and getting two of my personal faves in 'Hey Child' and 'Gloria' was a real bonus.
As usual for a Jon Gomm show, this Bristol venue was sold out. However, unlike most Bristol audiences, this was an audience who listened attentively, hanging on until the very last notes faded away before applauding. As a result, the recording came out very well. The fair bit of talking between songs has, on the whole, been tracked separately, but, apart from that, I had very little to do other than adding fades and bringing up the levels.
As always, if you like this, please go out and see Jon live and support him by buying his CDs and t-shirts!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: