SPECIAL PLEA: Some DIME members have enormous speed and/or bandwidth and frequently accumulate twice or more the upload total of the nearest seeder. Please, would any such member remove themself from my torrent after fifteen or maybe thirty minutes of seeding. The upload volume thus released would allow the many seeders below you to benefit by increasing their share. This might be of critical importance to some of us. Thank you in advance.
Excellent set from Joni and band; enjoy. Thanks and appreciation are owed simonM for the fine source recording and the extras. The torrent has applause in balance, talk and some music levels raised, and hoots, etc. removed or reduced. It is a fresh transfer from my clone and therefore will differ from previous uploads of this performance, if any.
Faults: Minor usual audience interference. During talk, for the occasional brief interval the audio will become unsteady. The raising of levels introduced the occasional abrupt transition. The rare remaining hoots, etc., though reduced, remain noticeable.
Los Angeles, CA -- Universal Amphitheatre
1974-08-15 -- 107:28
Set one:
01. Free Man In Paris
02. -tuning-
03. You Turn Me On I'm a Radio
04. -talk, tuning-
05. Big Yellow Taxi
06. The Same Situation
07. Rainy Night House
08. Woodstock
Set two:
09. -talk, tuning-
10. This Flight Tonight
11. -talk, tuning-
12. People's Parties
13. -talk, tuning-
14. All I Want
15. -talk, tuning-
16. Woman of Heart and Mind
17. -tuning-
18. A Case of You
19. -talk, tuning-
20. The Circle Game
21. -talk, tuning-
22. Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire
23. For Free
24. Carey
25. Trouble Child
26. Help Me
27. -tuning-
28. Jericho
29. Love or Money
30. -tuning-
31. Both Sides, Now
32. -talk, tuning-
33. Raised On Robbery
34. -talk, tuning-
35. Barangrill
36. The Last Time I Saw Richard
37. Twisted
No artwork.
Source: Sony F25S > Sony TC-110 > cassette master > DAT: 16bits/44.1khz > my clone
Transferred by stevemtl: DAT > Sony PCM-R500 > Roland R44 > SD chip > my fingers > slot on computer > HD
Mastered by stevemtl: HD > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 24/44.1: edit, L2 talk and applause level adjust, final fade; L2 dither > 16/44.1) > CDwave (track cut) > TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) > TLH (torrent marker)
Circulated by stevemtl: Torrent marker uploaded to DIME on
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Do not profit in any material way from this recording.
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