Jonny Lang
Live at Bluesville
Tunica, MS
September 25, 2009

Lineage: Zoom H2(44.1kHz, 16 bit)>Audacity(normalize)>CDWave(tracking)>FLAC>You
Deadcenter about 50 ft from stage (just in front of SBD)

This was the first performance of the night, the second being Buddy Guy. Look for this one also. Jonny's band was completely different from the last I saw in 2008. He seemed more into his older style but yet still looking for ways to keep it fresh, such as his acoustic start to Lie to Me.

Some audience banter but certainly not offensive to the performance.

01 Time and Time Again
02 Quiter's Never Win
03 The Other Side of the Fence
04 Faithful
05 Don't Stop (for Anything)
06 Red Light
07 Lie to Me
08 Living for the City
09 I Am