Jos� Ramirez & Thomas Toussaint Band
Keeping The Blues Alive
Vlierden, The Netherlands
Soundman OKM II Studio Rock mics > adapter A3 -20db > Tascam DR-05 @ 16/44.1
Recorded in the centre back, in front of the soundboard
Divided in tracks, removed some loud handclaps, raised volume of talking parts with 6db, slight EQ with Magix
Tagged with Foobar
Flac 8 with TLH
Some pics are added
The Thomas Toussaint Band is a Dutch blues band, they joined Jos� Ramirez on his European tour. This show is the last one of this tour.
After Jos� Ramirez the Giles Robson Blues Revue came on stage. At the end of the show 2 songs were played by the musicians of both bands.
There were a lot of people talking during the show, this is sometimes clearly audible, but were the volume of the music is low, the audience is (almost) silent.
01 Intro
02 Hi-Heel Sneakers*
03 Shut Your Face*
04 What Love Will Do*
05 I've Got News For You (Ray Charles)
06 Talk
07 Three Years"
08 Talk
09 Easy Baby"
10 Talk
11 Gasoline & Matches"
12 Talk
13 I Want to Ta-Ta You Baby" (Junior 'Guitar' Watson)
14 Third House On The Left" ??
15 Talk
16 One Woman Man"
17 Talk
18 You Upset My Mind (Jimmy Reed)
19 Born In Chicago
20 It Takes Time (Otis Rush)
21 Talk
22 She Walks Right In
23 Audience
24 She's Got Eyes Like A Cat
25 Outro
Running time 01:46:14
* Without Jos� Ramirez
" Without Thomas Toussaint
Jos� Ramirez - guitar, vocals
Thomas Toussaint Band:
Thomas Toussaint - harmonica, vocals
Paolo de Stigter - drums
Dirk Wagensveld - bass
Harm van Essen - guitar
Ivan Schilder - keys
2019-01-30 upload to Dime by gadogado
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: