Julian Belbachir
Morton Bay stage
Botanic park 2023-03-10
no set list
Great atmospheric Afrobeat/psychedelic set with not a lot of talking from the crowd, they get a bit noisy for about 3 minutes out of 60 , I started in the centre , but had to move away from talkers and found a quiet spot 2 rows from front, eventually I ended up on the front row for the final number. This is a powerful band with some great interplay from dual guitars and Koras.
Nice sound.
SP-CMC-25 cards >SP 12 volt BB > sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav > Audition (remove excess applause , and some crewed noise, Acon declip and Acon denoise ), adjust levels and minor EQ >XACT ( LEVEL 8 )
Stealth mode 2 metres from front, eventually moved to front of left speaker
Recorded, transferred , edit by gods golf ball
dont sell or distribute for trade in Mp3 format .
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