Juliana Hatfield - solo show
at The Ark
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
December 11, 2004
2 sets
audience recording and 2005 seed by maddog
November 2015 reseed:
FLAC files renamed but otherwise unaltered
92:11 minutes
SET 1 44:12 minutes
01 Jamie's in Town 3:31
02 Tourist 2:49
03 Somebody Is Waiting For Me 3:15
04 Feel It 3:12
05 intro 1:04
06 Fleur De Lys 2:48
07 Hotels 5:05
08 Heaven Can Wait 3:27
09 My Sister 4:03
10 Sunshine 2:54
11 Slow Motion 2:49
12 Stupid Thing 4:56
13 If I Could 4:19
SET 2 47:57 minutes
01 Necessito 2:53
02 Cry In The Dark 3:05
03 Down On Me 2:07
04 intro 1:29
05 Forever 3:37
06 Your Eyes 3:50
07 I Think I Might Be In Love 2:56
08 I Got No Idols 2:08
09 My Prot�g�e 3:00
10 Robot City 4:21
11 Daniel 4:27
12 Spin The Bottle 2:20
13 intro 1:35
14 Choose Drugs 3:40
15 encore break 0:47
16 My Enemy 5:42
taper's original notes:
Juliana was a little sick but still put out a great show.
Inbetween song banter was great, and she got some
nice digs in. Couple times the peoples in the row
right in front of me felt the need to chat about something
unimportant. Apparently a lot of non fans in attendance
evident by the number that left before the 2nd set
was even half done. Saw a couple other tapers for this show as well.
My rig setup used for this recording
tends to be a bit noisy, but I also think someone's chair
had an issue by the sheer number of "anomolies" I
had to remove from Masters.
It was so quiet at times
I was also picking up jh switching effects (pedal clicks)
Overall a great sounding "unplugged" show
and an obvious must have for any jh fan.
Artwork available.
**DO NOT** trade lossy format;
support live music & local musicians
**never pay for "bootlegs" or sell live recordings**
peace&smiles, maddog/IMO the goat 10.14.81~8.13.02
Merry Christmas from 813 and the dog to you...
TITLE: juliana_hatfield_unplugged: the ark 12/04
SOURCE: SP-CMC-2 (AT831 cards) > SP-SPSB-1/69Hz > iHP-120/16/44/WAV
LOCATION: LOB/DFC, Row E Seat 5, ~50' back, mic's on table, AB (~3cm@2d)
TAPER: maddog_at_righteousdog_dot_com
TRANSFER: USB > Audition 1.5 > CDwave (Tracks) >
Hard Disk WAV's(M) > FLAC or DAO/CDR(1)
TRANSFERED BY: maddog_at_righteousdog_dot_com
POST: **NO EQ**; Set Trim; Fade In/Out;
Boost to -0.5dB; -DigiNoise; WAV Masters;
FLAC 1.7.1 Level 8 on SB's > 2005 seed
FLAC files renamed but otherwise unaltered;
new checksum files created and this info file revised;
original info file included.
Thanks again to maddog for this recording.
a zootype reseed November 2015
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: