June Tabor And The Oyster Band
WDET, Detroit

Sound Quality: a

OK, this is an interview that the band did before doing a show in Detroit. The interviewer talks more about himself, but the band does play 4 songs.

1 talk
2 Valentine's Day Is Over [Billy Bragg]
3 talk
4 All Tomorrow's Parties [Velvet Underground]
5 talk
6 Love Vigilantes [New Order]
7 talk
8 Mississippi Summer
9 talk

Total time: 35:17
Talk: 18:57 (approx)
Music: 16:19 (approx)

Originally seeded on DIME by carnso on 2005-04-12
Reseeded on DIME by iggy1 on 2023-03-27
- No audio changes made to FLAC files
- Tagged and renamed files
- Created new FFPs to reflect new file names
- Added information to info file
- Sound quality is my rating

Not much information in this interview, but it is entertaining in a darkly technical way. The music is great though.