Hot Jazz Club, Muenster, Germany
October - 04 - 2012 (20:15 -> 21.45)
It's a SPACEBANDIT, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> A3box -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> Audacity (edit+channel balance only!) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...on a hazy eve at the
banks of Muenster's "Port". Very nice location, but very small. I was shocked at first, knowing such woldclass Acts like TONY LEVIN is playing there...end of month, but that'll be a more
packed show like this here. Unusual quiet crowd for Muenster...Hmm, too early? Midweek? Tired after Reunification Day? Me, not. Taped from right stage edge at app. 1 metre to Mr. Carlson's
bassneck. And, sigh, no barstool/table in sight, but ok, a real taper takes every situation. Or what did a good taperfriend said to me once: It's not about gear, it's not about the taper,
it's about POSITION. Think I did alright on this. Not my best recording, but maybe one of my best positions ever. A few crappy pictures are included as well.
SWEDEN ROCKS! What is in the milk over there, that brings up such fabulous bands like SIENA ROOT, ASTEROID, HORISONT or on this night KAMCHATKA. Well, ok, this was not my first, as I'd seen
them before on BURG HERZBERG FESTIVAL in July, where they really struck my mind. So, it was no doubt to go and see them so close to my homearea again. And, of course not only making up for
raindropping tape from Herzberg. These young gents play a variety of Blues/Jazz/Jam and Stoner, that will open your heart and let your face smile as your mind is wandering on the outskirts
of this galaxy. Or to quote Thomas after one song: Did we make music today? Of course, dear KAMCHATKA, of course. I'd better shut up now, and let the music do the talking! ENJOY as much
as I did/do. This is a mandatory musthave for every lover of heavy70's Rock! SB.
FULL SHOW (87:22 min.)
01. Tuning (0:37)
02. Out of my way (3:03)
03. Astrobucks (4:53)
04. No (9:04)
05. Puppet (5:26)
06. Good night (14:19)
07. Talk + tune (1:16)
08. Confessions/Band intro (10:53)
09. TV blues (4:22)
10. Worried (5:22)
11. Look over your shoulder (4:34)
12. Talk + tune (1:04)
13. Perfect (2:58)
14. Encore call/Talk + tune (2:59)
15. Mixed emotions (10:48)
16. Pogonophonics (5:37)
LINUS CARLSON - bass, vocals
THOMAS "JUNEOR" ANDERSSON - guitar, vocals
Support the artists, go to their, buy as much merandise as your spaceship can carry!
Please do not convert to fucking mp3, unless for personal use only...
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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