Freak Valley Festival 2015
AWO Gelaende, Netphen-Deuz, Germany
June - 06 - 2015
Day # 3 / Act 6/11 (16:50 -> 17:40)
Spacebandit/Miro/Blueshacks triple taper experience...
Rec. Info:
Sony EMC 717 -> Zoom H2n (@ WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> USB stick (received via snail mail) -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost/balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME ->
Recorded by dear MIRO first row almost dead center, and it sounds pretty fine to my ears. Due to late arrival Kamchatka and Tuber switched places in the running order (for those who are
concerned about that), vocals are a bit low at start, but nicely progressed to a real good sound soon. Lots of fuzzy bass and a lot of pictures are included to give you a good view of
the events up on stage...
Fourth time travelling on an annual road down to Siegerland (sorry just the name of the river...Sieg...not about winners...fyi). But before I start: Thank you FV Crew! Marvellous job done.
Almost everything went right and nice. Relaxed security/police and mighty grand friendly helpers on the ground!!! So do I make a cheer! THANKS FREAK VALLEY GUYS AND GIRLS!
Thanks to my close companions/friends Micha, Wolli, Martin and Jens. Think we had a great time there...even in the "hottest" moments...
Thursday: 24+day/10+night
Friday: 30+day/16+night *
Saturday: 26+day/12+night **
*african heat! thunderstorm at app. 2am from fri->sat.
** cloudy morning until early afternnon, then heat again
Early Bird was 56 Euros, Later Birds was 66 Euros, including camping for free.
I think I should mention that this 2000+ audience festival was sold out months before!
More details by request...
And now let the music do the talking...
Another great, but unfortunately short, show from lovely Freak Valley Festival 2015. KAMCHATKA is a three piece from Varberg, Sweden, which I discovered first at Burg Herzberg Festival
in 2012, when they blew me away even in a "cats and dogs" raining sequence right at the start. Psychedelic Rock with lots of StonerRock elemts into their music. Back then, it was...
In the meantime the bass slot changed a few times until Per Wiberg (of Opeth and Spiritual Beggars fame) took over. And somehow now, the much loved elements seem to fade for a more "massive
audience friendly" way of straight rocking tunes. Don't let me be misunderstood, it's a band in progress, so they might pull out some great music in the future as they already did in the
past of their recording career since 2005. Some of the tracks I really liked to listen, some not, but the long one is all about them what I like...Join in or leave it, SB...
FULL SHOW (47:23 min.)
01. Perfect (3:40)
02. TV blues (4:45)
03. Get your game on (3:43)
04. Slowly drifting away (4:56)
05. No (11:44)
06. Tango decadence (4:02)
07. Take me back home (4:37)
08. Son of the sea (4:00)
09. Automowdown * -> Spacegirl blues (5:50)
* DEVO song
the usual facebook ect. sites...
Support this great band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell...you can go to hell!
KAMCHATKA 2015 are...
Thomas "Juneor" Anderrson - guitar, vocals
Per Wiberg - bas, vocals
Tobias Strandvik - drums
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2015/07/01
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Kamchatka2015-06-06FreakValleyFestivalNetphenGermany (3).JPG
Kamchatka2015-06-06FreakValleyFestivalNetphenGermany (4).JPG
Kamchatka2015-06-06FreakValleyFestivalNetphenGermany (5).JPG
Kamchatka2015-06-06FreakValleyFestivalNetphenGermany (6).JPG
Kamchatka2015-06-06FreakValleyFestivalNetphenGermany (7).JPG
Kamchatka2015-06-06FreakValleyFestivalNetphenGermany (8).JPG
Kamchatka2015-06-06FreakValleyFestivalNetphenGermany (9).JPG