Title : Keller & The Keels - The Barns at Kelly's Ford - Remington, VA - 5/5/06
Engineer : John Paradiso with generous help from Lou Gosain
Comments : Private Birthday Party for Marc Wren

Matrix 4022+sbd:
B&K(DPA)4022 xy > Lou's Protools rig for phantom power and delay mixed with
sbd feed > 722 @ 24/96 (via 1/4" trs)

All transfers editing and tracking done by John Paradiso

David Via opened solo acoustic.
Larry Keel and Natural Bridge closed.
Second set guests included:
The Corn Tornado: David Via, Fiddly Dave VanDeventer, John Flower, Danny Knicely

Set I Disc I

01) kw2006-05-05d1t01 Tuning
02) kw2006-05-05d1t02 Star Trek Theme ->
03) kw2006-05-05d1t03 New Horizons
04) kw2006-05-05d1t04 I Want a New Drug ->
05) kw2006-05-05d1t05 Play This ->
06) kw2006-05-05d1t06 I Want a New Drug
07) kw2006-05-05d1t07 Local
08) kw2006-05-05d1t08 Take The Money and Run ->
09) kw2006-05-05d1t09 Thirsty In The Rain
10) kw2006-05-05d1t10 Holler in the Moonlight
11) kw2006-05-05d1t11 Bird Song
12) kw2006-05-05d1t12 Happy Birthday Marc
13) kw2006-05-05d1t13 Goof Balls
14) kw2006-05-05d1t14 Mary Jane's Last Breakdown

Set II Disc II

01) kw2006-05-05d2t01 Intro
02) kw2006-05-05d2t02 Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman ->
03) kw2006-05-05d2t03 Houses of The Holy
04) kw2006-05-05d2t04 Changed The Locks
05) kw2006-05-05d2t05 Crater in The Backyard
06) kw2006-05-05d2t06 Vanilla Ice Cream ->
07) kw2006-05-05d2t07 Maggie's Farm ->
08) kw2006-05-05d2t08 Calling all artists Jam ->
09) kw2006-05-05d2t09 Soul Shakedown Party ->
10) kw2006-05-05d2t10 Low Rider ->
11) kw2006-05-05d2t11 Another Brick in The Wall ->
12) kw2006-05-05d2t12 Galloping Horse ->
13) kw2006-05-05d2t13 Whirly Pig ->
14) kw2006-05-05d2t14 Culpeper Woodchuck ->
15) kw2006-05-05d2t15 Breathe ->
16) kw2006-05-05d2t16 Longview ->
17) kw2006-05-05d2t17 Another Brick in The Wall ->
18) kw2006-05-05d2t18 Breathe
19) kw2006-05-05d2t19 Love Bizarre
20) kw2006-05-05d2t20 Connie Chung