Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Scioto Downs
Columbus Ohio
June 27, 2015

Audio Reality Microphone ARMIC 1 binaurals> Battery Box (w/out Bass Rolloff) > Zoom H2N 16/44.1 > PC > GoldWave > Flac

01. Never Lookin' Back
02. King's Highway
03. True Lies
04. Heat of the Sun
05. Deja Voodoo
06. Born With A Broken Heart
07. Woke Up This Morning
08. You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now
09. Band Introductions
10. Blue On Black
11. I'm A King Bee
12. Voodoo Child (Slight Return)

Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Lead Guitar
Noah Hunt - Vocals, Guitar
Scott Nelson - Bass
Chris Layton - Drums
Riley Osborne - Keyboards

As always support the artists. Go see their shows, buy their albums and merchandise.

Tweak as you like. Feel free to make album art or remaster if you wish but do not sell this recording or distribute in
lossy formats. Enjoy!