Artist: 2013 Ki Ho'alu Slack Key Guitar Festival Part 1
Date: 23 June 2013
Location: Kahului, Maui, Hawaii
Venue: A&B Amphitheater (MACC)
Lineage: Audio Reality binaural mics > Sony PCM-M10 (24/48) >
Audition 3.0 (tracking / audio boost / resample 16/44.1) >
FLAC Frontend (align on sector boundaries)
Here is the first part of the 2013 Slack Key Guitar Festival on Maui.
Some local friends asked for CD?s and some DIME downloaders of the
Festival ?Headline Acts? torrent expressed a wish to hear the artists who
performed earlier in the day.
Some notes:
The show was scheduled to start at 1pm but they didn?t let us in until a bit
after 1pm. George Kahumoku Jr. & Friends were already on stage and were
playing for everyone as the audience walked in. As a result, the first few songs are
missing from the set. George runs a music school and the ?friends? are basically
his students. Also interesting is that George Kahumoku was the opening artist a
few months ago for the Ray Manzarek (DOORS) / Roy Rogers Band at the Iao Theater.
Several friends asked for the Stage announcer to be included so they could relive
his lame jokes. The Stage Announcer raps are edited into their own tracks so you
can keep them or skip them as you prefer.
During the Glen Smith set, both he and the stage announcer will be referring to the
hula dancers. Several little girls climbed up on the lower part of the stage and tried
to mimic the real hula dancers. They looked to range from about age 3 to age 6 so
everyone made a big deal about it.
There were two artists who had their levels way down.
If you are looking for the ?Headliners? part of the show, it?s at:
Aloha from Maui
George Kahumoku Jr. / Denis Kamakahi & Friends
01) Intro
02) Pup O Ni?ihau
03) Koke?e
04) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
Kawika Kahiapo
05) Makapu?u
06) Mother Earth
07) Waimanalo
08) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
George Kuo
09) Hawaiian March Medley
10) KHBC
11) Hana Medley
12) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
Dwight Kanae
13) Ko Hale
14) Hawaiian Lullaby
15) Kanawai Mamalahoe (?)
16) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
Donald Kaulia
17) (Instrumental)
18) ?
19) Hokulea Makalii (?)
20) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
Alani Yamauchi
21) (Instrumental)
22) (Instrumental)
23) Maui No Ka Oi
Paul Togioka
24) Instrumental Medley
25) (Instrumental)
26) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
Danny Carvalho / Jamaica Osario
27) Na Alii
28) Slack Key #1
29) ?
30) Why Did You Go away (?)
31) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
The Brown Ohana ? Ola Ho
32) ?
33) ?
34) Kila Kila (?)
35) He Rides (?)
36) 36) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
Glen Smith
37) ?
38) Mowri Brown Eyes
39) Na Alii
40) Mana Loa
41) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
Bobby Modero
42) He?eia
43) ?
44) Confortably Numb
45) DJ/Stage Announcer rap
Walt Keale
46) Hawaii 78
47) ?
48) Bury Me
49) DJ/Stage Announcer rap / Intro to Hapa
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: