Kid Creole and the Coconuts
Opening of the 2014 Adelaide Festival Elder Park Adelaide
Caroline was a Drop-out
Don't Take My Coconuts
Lifeboat Party.
Long Introduction to the Coconuts
Flip Flop and Fly
Anne I'm not your daddy
My Boy Lollipop
Stool Pigeon
Your a wonderful thing
The opening of this show was a real tour de force and it knocked myself and many others out of the ballpark with its intensity , pace and driving brass section.
thus its a shame that the start of this show was also very noisy with lots of young things invading the front area and making lots of exuberant noises for a while. I have removed much of this through diligent spectral analysis work and its now very listenable.
The sound was on the whole, outstanding for an outdoor gig , a few wind gusts but these have been cleaned up along. Low audience noise is still there in the background, but you can now hear the music very well, its no more than ordinary audience noise at a party show.
The first three numbers have a fair bit of this background noise, then it slackens off a lot.
This is a great show with good sound and the band was received enthusiastically by one and all.
SP-CMC-25 cards >SP BB > SP Sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav > Mac Pro > Adobe Audition ( remove excess applause , adjust levels and minor EQ > XACT SBE( LEVEL 8 )
Stealth mode 2 metres from stage centre
the whole shebang was mixed, stirred ,cooked up and served up HOT on a flac by Godzgolfball.
don't sell this or trade mp3's of the show please. keep it lossless
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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