ProgDay '14
Day 1, Band 2 - Kotobel
Saturday, Aug 30th, 2014 ~12:45pm - 2:15pm
Storybook Farm, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
C�sar Forero - guitar
Carlos Franco - percussion
Adriana Plaza - keyboards
Jamie Pascual - bass
Carlos Plaza - keyboards
1. intro (0:21)
2. Hades (5:13)
Concerto for Piano and Electric Ensemble:
3. Adagio Maestoso (12:25)
4. Lento Cantabile (7:26)
5. Vivo Scherzando (9:35)
6. Allegro Moderato (14:35)
A series of interpretations of imaginary beings:
7. The Flight of the Hippogriff (part II) (5:10)
8. Satyrs (8:09)
9. Simurgh (13:43)
10. Amphisbaena (8:20)
Total Time: 84:56 (1 hr, 24 min, 56 sec)
Tascam DP-004 digital recorder -> WAV ->
Cool Edit '96 (amplifying, filtering & track split) ->
FLAC Frontend -> flac files
This was the "classically symphonic prog" band of the
weekend, so if you like that style, you should really
enjoy this band. To give you an idea, after the opening
song, they casually announced that the next piece would
be a 43 minute piano concerto. Good stuff.
Like my recording of the preceding band (Zombie Frogs),
this one turned out a little bass heavy and slightly
distorted in the low end, especially the kick drum.
I don't know why most of my recordings from Storybook Farm
have been turning out that way the last few years. I did
what I could to "unmuffle" it with CoolEdit, but that kick
drum is a little annoying. Still a very listenable
recording overall.
More annoying though are the people who decided to
hang out right next to my seats and have an extended
conversation at the beginning and end of the set. For
some reason my recorder seemed to draw the chatterbugs
like a magnet this year. Come on people, if you were
in a theater you wouldn't stand in the middle of the
audience who are trying to watch the show and have a
rambling, drunken conversation. What makes you think it's
cool at ProgDay? Storybook Farm is a big place - there
are any number of other places you could talk without
bothering people, if you're not into watching the band.
Sorry, that rant was building up all weekend.
In case you're wondering what happened around 4:20 into
the final song - something must have blown a fuse. The
band lost power briefly, but it was quickly restored and
they picked up where they left off.
About ProgDay:
ProgDay is an outdoor festival of progressive rock
that has been held annually since 1995. In 1996 it
was expanded from one day to two and has been featuring
anywhere from eight to eleven progressive rock bands
each year since, with a few more prog bands usually
hosting their own Friday and/or Saturday night events
at nearby venues. It's definitely worth the trip if
you're a prog fan and don't mind a little heat and
humidity and a little driving around. I first went in
1997 and was so impressed that I've been back every year.
The main event takes place at beautiful Storybook Farm,
unless rain forces it indoors (which has fortunately only
happened a couple times in the festival's history). It's
a relaxed atmosphere, where you can listen and watch from
anywhere you want - if you really like a particular band,
you can sit right up against the stage. Some people listen
to the bands while shopping for CDs and merchandise in the
vendor tent or getting food in the pavilion or playing
frisbee in the field behind the audience or just sharing
a beer or two with friends.
The people are friendly, and the band members often hang out
all weekend taking in the show, selling merchandise and
chatting with fans when they're not on stage. If you're a
prog rock fan and can possibly attend, make every effort to
be there next year. The festival often barely breaks even,
so every ticket sold really helps.
If you'd like to make a donation via PayPal to help keep
the festival afloat (and ensure more of these ProgDay torrents
in the future), please visit:
Kotebel links:
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Kotebel2014-08-30ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (9).jpg