Koto Ensemble w/Studs Terkel
WFMT Studios
Chicago, IL US
Performance date: 1965-08-14
Broadcast date: 2014-06-06

Lineage: HD over fm>Sangean HDT-1>Rotel-05 SE>SoundBlaster (Live! 24 bit External)>wav(CD Wave Editor)>flac

Kayoko Wakita - koto; Carol Sakamoto - koto; Elaine O'Connell - koto; Patty Shirei - koto; Aido Wakita - bamboo flute

Note: In my never-ending mission to put up something "completely different," I present this Koto ensemble. The conversations are very interesting as Studs interviews often are. All songs have Japanese names, but in the interest of not butchering the spelling, I have named them using the English translation. Enjoy!

Flight 3:39
Conversation 7:40
Wandering Priest 3:46
Conversation 4:31
Water Images 6:20
Conversation 3:21
Mountain Path 4:43
Conversation 4:31
Zum Gali Gali 3:42
Conversation 4:59
Awa 2:02

Total Time: 49:18